Friday, September 28, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday"

Today is Kelli's Friday show and tell.
I want show you my grandma's treasure!!!At least for me as little girl they were treasure.I used to love looking at them.But it's just a show without any tell!!I don't know the story behind them and I'm deeply sorry for not asking her when she was here.

I'll send other pictures in next post,there was some problem with the net!!!


Cindy said...

Those are all so beautiful! You are lucky to have things from your grandmother.

Susan said...

Lovely items. I think it's interesting she had so many "pairs".

Unknown said...

What beautiful treasures! What wonderful items to have.

Come by and see my Show & Tell item for this week -


LBP said...

What a wonderful feast for the eyes! Very, very pretty.


nannykim said...

well, that is amazing to have so much from your grandma!! That is a blessing ;-)

Barbara H. said...

It's so neat to have treasures from loved ones.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Unknown said...

Your treasures are just beautiful! I especially love the teal colored glass dishes!


Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

What a great collection! I love the blue glass the best. Thanks for sharing your collection with us.


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